On January 29th, 2014 we hosted a session focused on challenges experienced by instructors and students using the flipped classroom in their teaching and learning. We crowdsourced from instructors and students about challenges experienced when using the flipped classroom, Flipped Lab Challenges Crowdsourced Challenges.
From these challenges we developed a set of themes and mini-scenarios that we used during the class to use as a basis for discussion during the session. The themes that we focused on were, engaging students/student buy-in, assessment, logistics and learning environments (classroom spaces), Flipped Classroom Challenges-Scenarios
With all of the expertise and experience in the room we were able to learn about challenges and strategies adopted by instructors to negotiate them using the backchannel tool (link to archive) used during the workshop. By gathering strategies, questions and ideas we have developed a list of strategies for each of the challenge scenarios that will be repurposed into FAQs, Flipped Classroom Challenges With Strategies